Autonomous Republic of Adjara
Supreme Election Commission
 Untitled Document


17 September Meeting
The commission session was held at Supreme Election Commission on September 17. The commission adopted a decree on defining sequence number for electoral subjects. The sequence number of the electoral subject shall be determined no later than the 30th day before the E-day (October 1)




Deadline to apply the SEC for registration of political parties has expired
Deadline to apply the SEC for registration of political parties for 20202 Supreme Council elections has expired.26 political parties applied SEC for registration,20 political parties has already registred,6 of them are in a proccess.


1 September Meeting
Supreme Council Elections of Autonomous Republic of Adjara was appointed on October 31 of the current year. President of Georgia issued the relevant legal act. Election Administration launched implementing the electoral procedures defined by the legislation. Today, the commission session was conducted at Supreme Election Commission.


The Meeting Results
At the meeting held on August 27, the Supreme Election Commission elected, a new member of the commission, Nodar Meladze, as a Deputy Chairperson.

August 18,Meeting results
On August 18,Supreme Election Commission adopted a decree defining the rule of accreditation for press and mass media representative to attend and cover election commission’s sessions during the non-election period.In order to get accreditation at the election commission, the head of the media outlet shall submit an application on the title page of the organization addressed to the secretary of the relevant election commission.

Workshop on media regulationsOn
On Jyly 31,2020,at Hotel Hilton,in Batumi,the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Supreme Election Commission of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara organised a workshop for representatives of local media on “Media regulations during electoral processes – international and domestic standards”.The participants of the meeting discussed the main aspect of coveraging information during the elections.

Registration Rules for Political Parties
Registration instructions for Political Parties - 2020 Supreme Council Elections: The registration for political parties, to apply to the Supreme Election Copmmission (SEC) and obtain the right to participate in 2020 Supreme Council Elections, is being implemented in the line with acticle 35, the Law of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara on Elections of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.

The First Party was registred
By the SEC Chairperson ordinance N1/21/2020, Political union of citizens – “United Georgia – Democratic Movement” (abbreviation name: “Democratic Movement”, electoral name “Nino Burjanadze – United Georgia – Democratic Movement) was registered for the 2020 Supreme Council Elections.

Election Journal N1
Supreme Election Commission, with the support of the Council of Europe in the framework of the Project "Supporting Transparency, Inclusiveness and Integrity of Electoral Practice and Process in Georgia" developed a journal " Elections and Democracy".

May 25, Meeting Results
At the meeting held on May 25, the Supreme Election Commission elected Tornike Mzhavanadze as a Deputy Chairperson. Majority of SEC members supported his candidate.

The Social event
Supreme Election Commission (SEC) considered the circumstances caused by the new coronavirus pandemic and according to the state emergency declared in the country conducted the social event in line with the rules.



Summary Meeting at SEC
Summary meeting was held at Supreme Election Commission on December 25. The representatives of election administration descussed the issues on the agenda and adopted some ordinances. At the same session the future working plans were discussed,in particular, to improve the election environment, to intensify institutional priorities and to inform voters.

Representatives of Supreme Election Commission of Autonomous Republic of Adjara observed 2019 Polish Parliamentary Elections
Representatives of Supreme Election Commission of Autonomous Republic of Adjara observed 2019 Polish Parliamentary Elections (Sejm and Senate).

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Central Election Commission
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Strategy 2019 - 2020

Supreme Election Commission - 2016